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What we DO

Empowering farmers to produce good quality cassava


Agro Processing and Marketing (Value Addition)

DAP facilitates its farmers access market for their agricultural products. The company does purchase of maize grain and cassava chips from farmers. Some of the maize grain is processed into high quality maize flour and sold to various institutions and traders Teso and Karamoja regions while some grain is sold to our market in Kenya. In 2022, the company processed and supplied over 600MT of maize flour to its customers. By facilitating access to market for farmer produce, DAP promotes job creation for many youth and women involved in the different stages of the value chain.</p> <p>DAP promotes production and marketing of High Quality Cassava Flour. We empower farmers to produce good quality cassava chips from fresh cassava which we use to process HQCF for our market. We have the capacity to supply 20MT of HQCF per month.

Climate Change Mitigation

DAP seeks to commercialise local chicken production using the synchronised hatching technology as a means to mitigate climate change. Local chicken is tolerant to vagaries of weather, able to fend for its food and quiet resistant to disease. Dakabela uses manure from chicken production to enhance soil fertility and therefore increasing productivity of farms. Crops grown in fertile soils are still able to thrive and produce good yiels amidst harsh climatic conditions. Even still, income from the sale of chicken helps farmers meet both household and farming needs. We also promote Natural regenerative agriculture and fruit production in our Farm in Arapai Sub County, Soroti District.

Financial Inclusion

Through our work, we promote financial Literacy among farmer groups by encouraging pulling of resources together through VSLAs which enables farmers access inputs and other services. We also link farmer groups to sources of financial products and services needed in the commercialisation of agriculture.

Capacity building

we prioritize farmer training in Good Agronomic Practices (GAP), Farming as a Business (FaaB), climate change, Post Harvest Handling (PHH), Selection Planning and Management of IGAs (SPLM) and Business skills for attitude Change, Farmer institutional development and increased production and productivity of farmer enterprisess

Improved Agricultural Technologies

DAP supports farmers to access climate smart agricultural inputs such as improved seeds and planting materials that are tolerant to drought; agricultural tools and soil enhancing technologies that enable them increase production and productivity of their farms.