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Our Goal

To transform agriculture from subsistance to commercial farming through value addition and marketing of high quality agricultural products.

Our Background

Dakabela Agro Products Ltd is a Social Enterprise founded in Uganda in 2016 with the aim of promoting agriculture as a business among the rural people. We believe that if farmers are enabled to take advantage of profitable supply and demand opportunities along the agricultural market chains, they will be more likely to build sustainable and resilient livelihoods. We envisage that provision of market for farmer products will motivate them to improve farm production and productivity thereby creating rural employment especially for the youth and women.

DAP focus is at creating a positive impact on the lives of rural people through transformation of agricultural production, creation of employment opportunities and increasing income generation for rural households engaged agricultural production. The company aims at boosting the rural economies through investment in agriculture for purposes of value addition to agricultural products, support rural farmers practice agriculture as a business while promoting adoption of good agricultural practices with the ultimate goal of enabling farmers produce high quality products that can effectively sell to earn better incomes. The company promotes commercial production and value addition of citrus, indigenous chicken, cassava and maize. We support farmers to access quality improved agricultural technologies and skills to enhance their production and support them link to profitable markets.

With processing facilities in Plot 5/9 Alanyu Road, Soroti City, we currently work with over 3,000 farmers in 9 districts (Soroti, Amuria, Kapelebyong, Abim, Kaberamaido, Napak, Kalaki, Katakwi and Serere) who are engaged in production of citrus, indigenous chicken, maize and cassava. DAP strives to create synergies and partnerships with government, CSOs and other private actors to galvanize efforts to provide services that are beneficial to farmers and in rural areas.

Our Vision

a Transformed and prosperous people”.

Our Objectives

  1. To provide market and promote agro processing of agricultural products for increased profitability
  2. To create employment for the youths, women and vulnerable persons in the region.
  3. To enhance adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies for increased production and productivity by farming households

Our Values

We Value 

  1. Integrity
  2. Accountability
  3. Honesty
  4. Quality in our work.

Our Target Group

In our programming, DAP targets to work with vulnerable persons; Girl mothers, women headed households, orphans, People with Disabilities, out of school youth and households affected by GBV.